The British Art Show 7 will be showing at Peninsular Arts in Plymouth until 7th December. Somerset College students have the chance to submit a piece of work, to be shown at another venue, in response to the key themes of the exhibition.
I'm hoping to show a piece I made last year. I had recycled some of it for a new sculpture, so I've had to recreate it. It's a structure made out of wood, with the text from two genuine SMS messages in two of the 'cubicles'. It can generate lots of different interpretations. The cubicles are analogous to days and also mobile phone screens. I used wood, because its a material with warmth and history. The materials our personal, electronic devices are made out of are much 'colder': metal, plastic and circuit boards. We've been asked to submit 50 words. See below.
‘Heart On My Sleeve’, 2011, Mixed Media
My piece is about the passing of time and the fluctuations of relationships. It's also about how reliant we are these days on technology, conducting much of our communication via devices, like mobile phones and computers. The themes I relate my work to are 'the order of things' and 'parallel realities'.
Spent today, 25.11.11, down at Royal William Yard in Plymouth where we had our show. Its a really lovely area - a former naval victualling yard, which has been developed into a mix of studios, restaurants and businesses. The views across the sound are stunning and the weather was great today.
The show was inside the Mills Bakery building, unfortunately a bit too tucked away to make it easily accessible to the public. Still, the unit was very nice and it was interesting to see the work of other colleges. Also, when your work's up amongst that of your peers you get to see how loudly or quietly it resonates and whether you want to tweak your aesthetic or not. I felt my work came off pretty subtle. Maybe I'll make it a bit louder for the next show.